School of Education National Leadership Council


The overriding purpose of the National Leadership Council (Council) is to assist the School of Education in fulfilling its mission: to prepare socially responsible critical thinkers who are collaborative and reflective educators committed to the moral endeavor of schooling in a democracy.

The Council will carry out three specific roles:

  1. Consult with the School of Education, through the dean, regarding its academic activities (i.e., teaching, research, service, and community impact).
  2. Assist the School of Education in communicating with its various constituencies, in order to advance its cause.
  3. Assist with its fund development efforts.


The School of Education National Leadership Council will research, promote and support initiatives and effective practices that facilitate positive change through partnership development and collaboration in areas of teacher preparation, school leadership, teaching effectiveness, and student success.


The Council will consist of members with the following composition:

  1. A total of no more than 40 voting members.
  2. The SOE Dean and development officer will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.
  3. Two faculty members from the School will serve as non-voting members.

Council members will be expected to attend formal meetings and, if requested, serve on a committee. Membership guidelines follow:

  1. Nominations for council membership will come through respective dean and the vice president for development and alumni relations from among alumni and friends of the School who:
    • Hold leadership or community positions
    • Have demonstrated their continuing commitment to the University and the School of Education, and
    • Would contribute to the accomplishment of the Council’s purpose.
  2. The set of voting members should be diverse with respect to fields of professional endeavor and personal attributes.
  3. Voting members will serve three-year rotating terms (after initial terms).
  4. A voting member may serve a maximum of three successive terms on the Council, at which time a member must be off the Council for at least one year before being asked to serve another term on the Council.
  5. Faculty members will be selected by the School’s dean to serve on the Council for a term of three years.
  6. Each member will pay his/her own expenses to attend Council meetings.

Committee Structure

Council meetings will begin with meeting in the committees and then meet as a whole group to have the committees give their reports during the main Council meeting.

Academics Committee – will review what is happening in the academic program in the School of Education and give feedback. – Craig Larson, chair
Communications Committee – will review how we communicate with alumni and the larger community and provide feedback on how to use our SOE alumni to help us continue to grow programs. – Veronica Hilyard, chair
Development Committee – focus on ideas to bring people together for events, to help with scholarship development and ideas for places to go to find other funding sources. – Addie Tomber, chair