College Work Study

Federal Work Study assignments are designed to provide part-time employment for full time students to help meet the cost of direct and indirect college expenses. Federal Work Study (FWS) is awarded based on financial need and early application.

Work Study Student Employment

  • Federal Work Study is designed to provide part-time employment to currently enrolled Maryville University students who need income to help meet the costs of post-secondary education.
  • The Financial Aid Office determines eligibility and allocates work study funds. To be eligible, students must submit a FAFSA every year.
  • Students awarded work study funding must search for open work study positions in Handshake and submit a resume. There are some options for off-campus community service sites as well.

Eligibility and Award

Many factors are reviewed to determine eligibility. The two most important are:

  1. File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  2. Demonstrate financial need (based on FAFSA). If eligible, Work Study will be included on a student’s Financial Aid Offer Letter in Self-Service. This amount may change if information changes. Maryville University calculates eligibility, then allocates work study hours and funds to students. Students are paid biweekly for the hours worked and reported each payroll period. The amount of earnings cannot exceed the total amount awarded per semester.

Benefits of Work Study

Aside from a wage, students find that work-study provides them with many other benefits. Some of these benefits are:

  • Transferable work skills and experience which will be essential in the post-graduation employment search
  • Several studies have shown that university students that work between 5 and 20 hours a week earn higher grades than their non-working peers as well as time management skills
  • Many students develop good networking relationships with staff members who can provide excellent letters of recommendation or references for future jobs and education.
  • Work Study earnings are not included in the calculations when financial aid eligibility is determined for the following year.

Community Service

Community service work study offers an alternative to traditional on-campus employment by finding jobs in the community where students have the opportunity to earn wages while helping a nonprofit organization. Community service involves assignments that are designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly individuals. Some fields that qualify as community service include health care, elementary and secondary math and reading tutors, child care, literacy training, welfare, social services, public safety, crime prevention, recreation and community improvement. Having transportation is required to take advantage of most of these positions.

For more information on community service or a referral to a community service site, contact the Coordinator of Student Employment at 314.529.6702 or via email to

Types of Jobs Available

Through the online job search at Handshake, a student awarded work study can review available positions, job summaries, and rates of pay.

A wide range of work study jobs exist at the University. Students provide valuable work in areas ranging from academic offices to Athletics and computer labs.

Applying for Campus Jobs

All student employment openings are posted on Handshake. To view open positions, please login to Handshake and search under On Campus Student Employment. Make sure to upload your resume into the system for employers to view! Review the job positions carefully for the position that interests you.

Only students who have been awarded Federal or Institutional Work Study are eligible to apply for a University-funded job. Students are limited to one position on campus to allow for as many students as possible to participate in the work study program. Exceptions can be made for students in specialized positions but must be approved by the Student Employment Department.

Interviewing with the Hiring Department

After choosing position(s), contact the hiring department and speak with the person listed in the job posting. When you determine an interview time:

  • Be prepared to discuss any previous work or volunteer experiences you have had.
  • Dress appropriately (even for virtual interviews) and be on time for the interview.
  • Be familiar with your class schedule so you can share your work availability with the hiring supervisor.
  • Practicing before a job interview can be a huge help. InterviewStream is a virtual interview practice software that is free for all Maryville students. You can also schedule an appointment for an in person mock interview by calling 314.529.9375 or emailing

If you get the job, the hiring supervisor will complete the Student Employment Authorization Form. You will receive a copy of the Authorization, which will include further onboarding instructions.

Payroll Documents

Students should be prepared to start work the first week of classes if the following conditions are met:

  • Enrolled full time
  • Accepted the Work Study portion of the financial aid award
  • Hired by a department
  • Completed & submitted the Student Employment Authorization form
  • Set a work schedule with the supervisor
  • Completed the federal I-9 form

All new student employees must set up an appointment with the Coordinator of Student Employment to complete the I-9 form before starting work.

Be sure to bring proper identification to complete the I-9 form. The most common forms of identification are as follows:

  • US Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Original Social Security Card
  • Birth Certificate

Students will not be able to start working or enter hours worked until all paperwork is complete!

Work Schedule and Attendance

The work schedule should be discussed with your supervisor before employment begins and every semester thereafter to be certain expectations on both sides are communicated. Students are not allowed to work during scheduled class times. Most student employment positions are 10 hours/week. If the student employee is unable to report for work, it is their responsibility to notify the supervisor and make an arrangement to make up the hours missed. Students are expected to work the entire award period.

Because work study is a source of financial aid, enrollment in classes is required for employment. Students who completely withdraw from classes must cease working effective the date of withdrawal. The only enrollment exception is during summer and periods between semesters when enrollment will occur.


Work Study job transfers, in general, are discouraged. Only one transfer is allowed under normal circumstances. The Work Study Coordinator is available to meet with the student employee to discuss the individual situation and make a decision about the transfer.

Wages and Pay Period

Student employees are paid biweekly at an hourly rate established by the University. The majority of work study positions start at $13.50/hour. Some departments pay above this level as their positions require advanced skill and experience. Students will report hours worked using ADP Workforce Now.

Work study is not deductible from the semester balance due. As hours are worked and time is submitted to the Payroll Department, wages are paid biweekly directly to the student. Students may set up direct deposit through ADP and payment occurs biweekly following employment and submission of approved hours.

Work study wages are taxable income.
Student employees will receive W-2 forms in January showing their earnings for the previous calendar year. If taxes are withheld from the paycheck the amount of taxes withheld will reduce the net amount of the earnings.

Summer Employment

To qualify for summer employment a student must be enrolled full time during the preceding spring or following fall semester. Summer student employment starts in May (after commencement) and ends in August (Sunday before beginning of fall semester). Students may apply for open positions posted on Handshake. The hiring supervisor must submit a separate summer Student Employment Authorization before a student is eligible to begin working. During the summer students may work no more than 20 hours per week while enrolled in classes and up to 40 hours per week if not attending summer classes. The number of available work hours may vary by department.

Next Year’s Award

Remember to file your FAFSA as soon as possible each year, because this aid program is awarded on a first- come, first- serve basis. An early filing allows priority consideration for limited funding sources.