Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priorities & Partnerships

Maryville University continuously strives to be the innovative leader in higher education promoting a revolution in student learning that expands access and opportunities for all.

An important component of the mission of the John E. Simon School of Business is to build significant relationships with corporations throughout the St. Louis region. Maryville currently has more than 30 agreements and partnerships, many with Fortune 500 companies, including Rawlings, which named our Rawlings Sport Business Management program. These partnerships provide professional expertise and internship opportunities for our students and are a model of collaboration.

One of the nation’s most dynamic and progressive enterprises of higher education, Maryville is proudly setting the standard for what it means to be a “Teaching First” institution. The Simon School’s Cyber Fusion Center is such an example. As a student-run and faculty-managed security operation, the center is designed to provide a wide range of cost-free cyber security services to non-profit organizations, charities, schools and small businesses.

Strategic Plan

A New Century of Higher Education: Maryville 2022
Innovation, excellence, student outcomes and learner-centered pedagogy are the hallmarks of this strategic plan and Maryville possesses the talent, energy, resources and drive to accomplish all of our goals and realize our vision.

Mark Lombardi, Ph.D. President, 2015

Maryville University developed the current strategic plan and its academic companion, the Strategic Academic Identity, in 2015. The plan is in effect through 2022 and serves as a framework for annual strategic action items.

As a nationally recognized, comprehensive university, Maryville has as its mission to offer innovative education focused on student learning, outcomes and success that will prepare students for a life of engagement and achievement in multiple fields of endeavor through a curriculum built upon an innovative liberal arts foundation leading to compelling programs in the Arts and Sciences, Health Professions, Education and Business.

Consistent with this mission, Maryville is committed to providing a learning environment where students learn through doing; reflecting the cultural diversity of the global community; and making the values of innovative leadership, civic engagement and sustainability prominent aspects of the student experience.

Core Values
The core values of the University include learning and mentoring, a student centered active learning ecosystem, diversity and global awareness, civic engagement, innovative leadership and sustainability.

The pillars of Maryville’s strategic plan are reflected in the following themes:

  • Active Learning Eco System

    Create a campus-wide learning ecosystem with students at the center. This ecosystem will engage students, faculty, staff and community partners here and around the world in a continuous and sustainable process of active learning geared toward the achievement of student outcomes

  • Transformational Innovation

    Transform the development and delivery of higher education through a reengineering of pedagogy, processes and systems centered on student learning outcomes.

  • Diversity and Inclusiveness

    Become a diverse campus community that values inclusiveness through intentional recruitment, professional development and programming for students, faculty and staff.

  • Strategic Growth

    Leverage and solidify our status as a leading National University by expanding programs to meet emerging market needs.

Strategic Academic Identity

Learning and mentoring is at the core of Maryville’s strategic academic identity, reflecting the conviction of the community that the essential, foundational purpose of the university is the mentoring of all students in their pursuit of learning so they may not only hone their skills but challenge their limits, and critically think about and adequately express their own intellectual journey. 

The plan is characterized by four key principles:

• Student and Faculty Engagement
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Innovation and Risk-Taking
• Flexibility and Responsiveness

focusing on the promotion of:

• An Active Learning Ecosystem
• Transformational innovation in the learning environment and culture
• Development of successful graduates and outcomes
In keeping within the context of prudent fiscal management, strategic priorities, and fit with Maryville mission and culture the Strategic Academic Identity is based on the premise that program development and review will be:

• Future oriented
• Quality focused
• Data informed

To engage faculty in the realization of the Strategic Academic Identity, the next dean will:

• Articulate faculty responsibilities rather than expand them
• Align faculty hiring and reward system with strategic plan and academic identity
• Collaborate with Student Life and Student Success to facilitate student learning in multiple environments
• Charge the CTL to lead and provide an array of programming to communicate that these initiatives are valued and rewarded