C3: Creative Computing Curriculum

C3: Creative Computing Curriculum is a collection of ideas, strategies, and activities for an introductory creative computing experience using the Scratch programming language. The activities are designed to support familiarity and increasing fluency with computational creativity and computational thinking. In particular, the activities encourage exploration of key computational thinking concepts and key computational thinking practices. Learn more about computational thinking – what it is and how to assess its development in learners – from resources in the appendix or by visiting http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/ct.

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The C3 Program journalism curriculum was completed in late Spring 2017 Maryville’s Center for Access and Achievement (CA2) successfully ran the C3 weeklong summer program with students from Ritenour and Jennings School Districts in July of 2017. In addition, 16 classroom teachers representing a variety of disciplines from those districts attended the full C3 program. Using the C3 curriculum students made great gains in their knowledge and understanding of Scratch, as well as their overall knowledge of and confidence within the field and career of computing.”

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